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Draft Structure: The Basics and Rules

The draft is roughly 21 rounds and will complete when all teams have a full roster of 27 players. The rounds vary due to trades by teams prior to and during the draft. Not only that, but trades can occur in real time, changing the pick status for teams both in the live and slow portion of the draft.

The draft is broken into two parts:

Live Draft

The first ten rounds of the draft are done live, all together and at once. Date and time will be coordinated as much as possible to ensure maximum attendance. The commissioner will communicate this information. Initial timer for picks will be two minutes. Commissioner will take steps such as skip, revert, and others to ensure that the draft flows well. Issues such as poor connection and site performance will be accommodated.

Slow Draft

The remainder of the draft will be conducted over time. Initial timer for picks is 24 hours with a five hour pause at night. Picks are made on the site and can be pre-selected by round or in general. This “predraft” option greatly speeds up the draft and is heavily encouraged. Should the draft be slow, the Commissioner will lower the timer to speed up the process.

Missed Picks

This is an extremely important item to know before hand. Every year someone has a question here and complain about the process.

During the live draft, if a pick is missed, the system will always first attempt to pick a player for the owner according to the owner’s “Work List” in the Live Draft Room, and then the owner’s “My Draft List.”

If you hit this,especially after about round three, most teams have exhausted these lists. When that happens, the system will pick a player according to the personalized recommendations from Fantasy Sharks Draft Coach. Why? We are a unique league and ADP becomes disaster if it is used for missed picks. Think about it. When we are 20 LBs deep into the pool, an ADP can bring you garbage. Fantasy sharks is set up for our league rules and at least gets you value in most cases.

Should a player miss a pick due to absence, they will be placed on auto-draft moving forward. If the pick is missed for other reasons, they will not be placed on auto-pick.

During the slow draft, a missed pick is not auto-selected. The pick will be skipped and the pick moved to the end of that round. Should a second pick be missed, the team will be placed on auto-draft with the same criteria as above.

A team can be removed from auto-draft by communicating with the Commissioner.

Keeper Declaration

The commissioner will identify a “keeper declaration” deadline. On that day and time, all teams must drop to their choice of keeper limits. At this point, the TFV will be finalized to establish the draft order. Once locked in, the draft order will not change.

Draft Order

Draft order is based on the lowest to highest TFV for each team. This is calculated by using the TFV for each keeper less any bonus game deductions.

A spreadsheet is posted each preseason by the commissioner with final TFV for each team.

TFV is defined as follows:

  • Total points scored by the player for the prior season
  • Less points scored any week past when that team is eliminated from contention


Mike Singletary is on your team roster. Last season Singletary scored 250 points through week 18:

Your team was eliminated in the second round of the playoffs (week 15). Singletary scored 35 points in weeks 15-18.

250 – 35 = 215

Singletary’s TFV is 215

Add the value of all six keepers using this formula, and you have the TFV for your team. That value is ranked lowest to highest for all teams, creating the draft order.

Draft Approach

This approach is taken to provide the following:

  • Different strategies: Want to keep your high powered players and/or QB? That is fine. You will have a lower initial pick but strong roster core to start.
  • Comeback players: Take a chance on injured players who may have a great comeback year. These usually have low TFV and can increase potential for a high pick.
  • Non-playoff team bonus: By ceasing TFV value for non- playoff teams (i.e. week 14), players have lower value and can give a boost for the non-playoff team’s chance of a higher draft slot.

Sample Draft Order

738.33Dark Phoenix
750.31Grindhouse Zombies
788.64Drunken Badgers
796.14The Eh Team
810.76Speed Inc
844.90Fast Eddy’s Chili
896.11Jack Passers
935.07Flaming Chankla Chuckers
968.47Sexual Chocolate
974.19Ramrod Red Devils
975.29Carnivorous Silverbacks
1,042.99Samurai Warriors
1,401.88Angels of Harlem
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